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The Policy Evaluation Research Institute (PERI) took its first steps toward becoming Korea’s leading private think tank for policy evaluation with an opening ceremony on May 23, 2022, in Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul.

PERI aims to fulfill this task of the times for the public by prioritizing the scientific evaluation of policies, preventing them from become objects of indifference or means of deception.

PERI will continue to convene policy research experts from Korea and around the world to meticulously and properly evaluate policies.

We will involve the public in both pre- and post-evaluation process, placing them at the core of policy evaluation. We will commission the best experts to evaluate the policies that the public wants us to evaluate, engage in discussions with the petitioning public, and share the results of the policy evaluation research with the public.

We will lead in creating a policy environment where the people are at the core of policy, building a robust policy evaluation infrastructure as a private research institute.


<PERI, Policy Evaluation Research Institute>